Pesantren is the best solution to realize the young intelligent people who have the good character

well, this speech is written by me when "Pekan Olahraga dan Seni Siswa Antar Pesantren Daerah" POSPEDA 2016 in West Sumatera. 

Theme of Speech  : The role of Pesantren in advancing society and developing values for character building

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
The honourable adjudicator and listeners
We know that nowadays many regulations and system in education are made to crate the intelligent students and have the good character.  Let us say Curriculum 2013, most of the systems are made to build the good character for students. but, it does not work very well to realize the young  intelligent people who have the good character. Most of the students just become the intelligent people without having the good character.
In alqur’an Allah said
Al-kahf: 13-14



From the qur’an we know that   youth is someone who have the important role in society. They have to have the good character. To realize the intelligent and humane nation, pesantren is a suitable place. Pesantren is one of the best places for future leaders. In pesantren you are not only educated to get the knowledge and life skills, but also you are going to be educated to have a strong character. So that in time, wherever you are struggling, you are expected to keep abreast of the times while keeping the values ​​of pesantren that you have gotten.

            Many famous people come from pesantren, One prominent figure pesantren in Indonesia is Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), a former President of Indonesia. He was well educated in boarding schools during his youth and grown up as a grandson of a Kyai, the founder of one of Indonesian religious political organisasi, Nahdlatul Ulama. Gus Dur himself was the head of this organization from 1984 until 1999. After his term as President of Indonesia, Abdurrahman Returned to teaching in his pesantren in Ciganjur

            Assure, where the road of your success come. From pesantren, it will successful road starts. With you study harder, more active in various activities, dreams of the future will be closer to you.
The honourable adjudicator and listeners
There are many reasons why Pesantren is the best solutions to realize the young intelligent people who have the good character. First, strict discipline teaches of pesantren. At the lodge, the students are taught to be disciplined in everything. Not just the discipline of doing the prayers, but also disciplined in all aspects of life. This discipline is strictly enforced, is not viewed fur. Who is breaking the discipline will be sanctioned. Discipline is what form of life. Without the discipline, you wil hard to achieve your successful.  Discipline that make you go forward and expand. At first it was hard, but that's the way your future.
Second, Pesantren  teach self-reliance. Pesantren  is taught so that you can finish your own problem. Thus, when later plunge in the community, you can quickly adapt to your environment, what the circumstances.
Third, the pesantren teach creativity. Pesantren is full of discipline, but you have been given plenty of room to do activities and hobbies. An assortment of sports facilities, courses in art and skill opened wide. Everything that you are able to be creative in your life.

            Fourth,Pesantren teaches you dare to face the challenges of life. Courage to face many problems of life is what make you dare to do in the community. Many alumni of Pesantren who are leaders in various circles because they courage to do something.

            Fifth, Pesantren  teach responsible. It  teaches that any activity and the work you do, you have to dare to be responsible. If you do things well, will be rewarded with good. Conversely, if you do bad things, you will get a reward.
Pesantren  also teaches that you never give up. Pesantren  is taught to be tough, not whiny, and continue to rise if a failure. Characters no give up and you fight later on in the community.
And lastly, the Pesantren teach sincerity. Without sincerity, it is not Pesantren. Sincerity is the main spirit of Pesantren  . You learn to do advance, give the best that you have, and not ask first, you can be anything. Sincerity , is energy.  Sincerity  is a tremendous strength.

            The Pesantren  has taught and provide everything you need to be intelligent and have a good character. Now everything is back to you. Will you open yourselves receive all educational Pesantren educating you to be tough and ready for success? Or you still hesitate to yourself, to your cabin, to your future? It's time now you are more pure yourself to learn in pesantren. If there is still a feeling jammed, immediately remove it. Pure in everything, clean heart, clean yourself. Because you now are struggling. Fight for your future, your family, your community and your nation.
            Your struggle would have a lot of challenges and obstacles. But that's the way of Allah SWT  to make you strong . The more tests that you face will make you stronger. Trust me, if you trust fully in Allah, Allah will give you strength and a way out of all your problems.
if you are knowledgeable, remember Allah  promise that "Surely Allah will exalt those who believe among you and those who were given science a few degrees" (QS. Al-Mujadalah; 11)

            You are the great personal, because of that you are educated in a great way. Time to show the world, especially to your parents, that you now have changed. Yourself  is different from yesterday's personal. Like a sword, you are now being hammered, heated, beaten, formed, cooled, principally experiencing difficult times. But someday, hammered it will inevitably result. Yourself in the future, are you a tough, ready to undergo the challenges of life.
Successful road was wide open. The successful road starts from here, from this lodge. Get up, more spirit  to face life, Move On, soon chased your success, for your happiness in this world and hereafter.
The honorable adjudicator and listeners
In the end of my speech I would like to emphasize that Pesantren  is the best solution to realize the young  intelligent people who have the good character because of some reasons; First is discipline. Second  is  self-reliance which is taught in pesantren. Third is creativity. Fourth,Pesantren teaches you dare to face the challenges of life. Fifth, Pesantren  teach responsible . and the last Pesantren  also teaches that you never give up.
That’s all from me, thank you for your attention.
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

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